Feminine & Masculine Reconciliation Workshop

We offer an experiential forum where women and men gather together in a safe space to examine how we relate to the feminine and the masculine within ourselves and among one another in light of 3,000 years of patriarchy and the marginalization of the Feminine.

– How can I build more trust and capacity to be true to myself in relationship?
– What can I transform within to open deeper to love, forgiveness and mutual reverence?

Participants are guided in a series of experiential exercises, ritual and conscious dialogue, opening a doorway for healing, mutual understanding, forgiveness and reconciliation.

This workshop is dedicated to help us shift from a fear-based story of separation towards one of trust and mutual support that honors our whole beings.

The profound shifting from our afternoon together of guided sharing continues to create ripples of further awakening and healing within me! Truly a movement worthy of further expansion and deepening.

Joy Chiu

Our Facilitators Team

Eileen Barker is an acknowledged leader in the forgiveness movement and an acclaimed forgiveness teacher. She leads forgiveness retreats, offers private forgiveness and is the author of the Forgiveness Workbook and Forgiveness Meditation CD. www.ThePathofForgiveness.com

Magalie Bonneau is a certified Dancing Freedom™ teacher, a Co-Active™ certified coach and a carrier of the way of council. She is passionate about creating sacred community spaces where women and men can dive into new levels of consciousness in ways that unleash their spirit, opens their heart to new perspectives and help to heal their relationships. Magalie’s wisdom is founded on her study of love and regenerative culture at Tamera Healing Biotope in Portugal, studies with indigenous cultures and, as a young adult, her Olympic quest as a solo sailor.

Nicola Amadora PhD. is a psychologist, relationship and leadership trainer and spiritual teacher. She brings 30 years of experience and expertise of working with people from around the world. She offers trainings, retreats and counseling to live, lead and relate from presence, authenticity and real love. www.nicolaamadora.com

Sandra Fitting is an ordained minister, community builder, and a student of Buddhism with 30 years of experience supporting women’s circles and creating ritual. www.raisingoursails.com

Wm Guillermo Ortiz is a tai ch’i ch’uan instructor, tile artisan & curandero in the Mexica tradition. In 1992 he co-founded Xochipilli, a latino men’s ritual performance group which continues to create altars & offer public ceremonies. He is particularly interested in awakening others to their joy and creative expression.

I feel deeply honored to have been a part of this workshop, among the first of its kind with men and women gathered together expressing their deep feelings about the historic disconnect between the masculine and feminine. We are all guilty and none of us is to blame as we are a part of the evolution being lived out now during this reemergence of the Feminine sensibility. As we begin to change our stories, we heal not only ourselves and our loved ones, but our planet. Deep bows to all those courageous enough to show up and to give voice to the truth of their experiences. Let’s encourage more of this dialogue for the benefit of all beings.

Sandra Fitting

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