
We love to support projects and community engagement that are seeking:

  • Innovative ways to engage their community in meaningful ways towards a shared vision of reconciliation or collective empowerment.
  • Creative and viral ways to share messages that leverage the power of social media while offering a transformative collective experience that people will remember.
  • Include us in your Leadership retreat to bring a new level of connection, trust and insights. Deep and lasting success of any plans comes from our capacity to relate, be real, grounded in our wisdom, our capacity to cultivate trust and unleash our creative capacity. By engaging the full body intelligence through rite of passage, embodied expression, dance and intentional celebration we create the soil that allows the flourishment of the collective spirit.

If you think we would make the perfect partner activating your vision, your campaign, your organization or just want to chat about a forthcoming project, do get in touch.

This is dedicated to all leaders who seeks to embrace the dark and the light to free themselves and others that they touch.


If you sense that we could support you on your leadership path, do get in touch.

Magalie accompanies leaders, change-markers and teachers who are dedicated to supporting humanity in shifting consciousness through their work.

Her aim: help creative entrepreneurs embrace their leadership from a deep embodied, spiritually grounded and compassionate place.

This is not just about being a powerful inspiring messenger. This is about making you a freer being who’s grounded in his unique calling, own the fullness and depth of who you are at your core, radiate out the depth of expression and consciously develop conditions that allow his message to land in the heart, mind and soul of those he touches.  Ultimately, it’s about supporting the leader in deepening his relationship to source from an embodied place.

Our approach is based in practices of mindfulness, body-centering, and many other modalities.


  • Shifting from overwhelmed to being more present. You’ll learn practices that will support you daily.
  • Increase your ability to receive deeply what present itself around and within you.
  • Gain greater emotional, physical and spiritual vitality and energetic clarity.
  • Develop deeper relationships.
  • Better trust your intuition.
  • Become more intimate with your shadow, allowing you to feel more whole  and be more response – able rather than reactive.
  • Embody greater compassion, trust and ease, allowing your controlling side to be more attuned to what is rather than fear-based.
  • Feel more abundant – allowing wealth of intimacy, love and generative relationships to emerge.
  • Develop greater capacity to rest in the unknown and what’s uncomfortable and thus, allow others to meet you there without shame or judgments.
  • Developing greater courage and capacity to embody and express your truth in ways that lands and builds trust.
  • Become a more conscious communicator – supporting relationship to go deeper, be healing and open to new possibilities.
  • Honor life transition with more grace, faith and vision.

What we do 

We are in the business of making you a freer  human being. We help you embrace your true destiny while affecting those you touch in profound ways. As someone called to support a shift in consciousness, we help you create the internal and external conditions that will support your leadership and personal life to be transformational and liberating – affecting you and the people you touch in the deepest and most serving ways.

Discover our latest initiatives, films and ways you can engage in dancing the world awake.

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